Friday, May 18, 2012


We did this photo shoot during class earlier this week. I got outside late, so I only have shots of a few people. 
 Shutter: 1/4000 Aperture: f/4.5 ISO: 200 Focal Length: 110 mm
 Shutter: 1/4000 Aperture: f/4.5 ISO: 200 Focal Length: 110 mm
 Shutter: 1/3200 Aperture: f/4.5 ISO: 200 Focal Length: 110 mm
 Shutter: 1/2000 Aperture: f/4.5 ISO: 200 Focal Length: 130 mm
Shutter: 1/2000 Aperture: f/4.5 ISO: 200 Focal Length: 75 mm

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