Wednesday, March 21, 2012


This week has been a perfect time to take pictures of warmth. It seems like spring has been accelerated this year. The primary subject here is the tree budding new leaves. The secondary subject is the lines formed by the branches in the background. I like the narrow depth of field. The warmth of this shot is implied by the fact that the leaves are budding.
Aperture: 1/500 Shutter: f/5.2 ISO: 100 Focal Length: 17.1 mm

My little sisters have been begging to go swimming, but we don't have their pool set up yet. This weekend, they settled for washing cars in their swim suits. They had a great time spraying each other and occasionally the car. The primary subject is the girl, and the secondary subject is the repetition of blue.
Aperture: 1/180 Shutter: f/5.2 ISO: 160 Focal Length: 17.1 mm
Bare feet on a spring day; this defiantly shows warmth. The main subject is the feet, and the secondary is the shadows from the legs.
Aperture: 1/250 Shutter: f/9.9 ISO: 100 Focal Length: 7.1 mm


The wind blew all weekend, so we dug out the kites. We had a great time and only got the kite stuck on top of the house twice. The girl is the main subject and the kite is secondary.
Aperture: 1/550 Shutter: f/5.2 ISO: 100 Focal Length: 17.1 mm
Aperture: 1/350 Shutter: f/5.2 ISO: 100 Focal Length: 17.1 mm

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