Wednesday, March 14, 2012


It was so nice out this weekend that I went for a bike ride to a creek near my house. The ice was still on the creek and provided lots of great photo opportunities. To get some of these shots, I walked along the swollen banks, climbed across a tree over the water, and even walked out onto a sheet of ice floating downstream. Needless to say, this was my favorite shoot of the year.

It was so warm that the bugs started to come out. and they were everywhere. In the shot above, the main subject is the bug, and the secondary is the ice. I love the different colors in the ice.
Aperture: 1/950 Shutter: f/5.2 ISO: 100 Focal Length: 17.1 mm

The main subject is the reflection of the sun on the water. The secondary subject is the edge of the ice on the water. The only thing I did to this picture was to make it black and white, I didn't even need to crop it.
Aperture: 1/125  Shutter: f/3.2 ISO: 200 Focal Length: 7.1 mm

This was a lucky picture. As I was leaving I spotted this chuck of ice stuck against a branch. I got a few really neat pictures before it floated away. The primary subject is the ice and the secondary is the lighting. The shadows provide an interesting contrast. I was told that this resembled liquid mercury.
Aperture: 1/180 Shutter: f/3.6 ISO: 100 Focal Length: 8.8 mm

Over the River
As I got on my bike to leave, I couldn't resist making this shot. Lines formed by the sheets of ice jammed together and turned in different directions are the main subject. The reflection of the sky in the water is secondary. I couldn't decide which way I liked the photo the best. Both pictures have a different mood to them, which made it hard to choose. 
Aperture: 1/300 Shutter: f/4.6 ISO: 100 Focal Length: 13.7 mm


  1. I love them all! They are all so neat! And, I love how they look like glass!
